Ochem Worksheet 11 Allylics


This PDF downloadable worksheet accomplishes the following lecture objectives:

1. Recognize when conjugation applies, how it impacts chemical stability, and use it to predict and rank stabilities of various substances

2. Predict and rank how various reactions and their reaction rates are impacted by conjugation/resonance, whether in a reactant or an intermediate or a product, for example in SN1 reactions, radical reactions, or acid-base reactions

3. Predict the products of hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes.

4. Identify 1,2 vs 1,4 addition products in hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes

5. Identify thermodynamic versus kinetic products

6. Predict the products of allylic radical bromination reactions.

7. Draw mechanisms for addition reactions or SN1 reactions proceeding through allylic cations

8. Draw resonance structures for allylic cations, radicals, or anions

This question set contains twelve practice questions with the answers provided.

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This PDF downloadable worksheet accomplishes the following lecture objectives:

1. Recognize when conjugation applies, how it impacts chemical stability, and use it to predict and rank stabilities of various substances

2. Predict and rank how various reactions and their reaction rates are impacted by conjugation/resonance, whether in a reactant or an intermediate or a product, for example in SN1 reactions, radical reactions, or acid-base reactions

3. Predict the products of hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes.

4. Identify 1,2 vs 1,4 addition products in hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes

5. Identify thermodynamic versus kinetic products

6. Predict the products of allylic radical bromination reactions.

7. Draw mechanisms for addition reactions or SN1 reactions proceeding through allylic cations

8. Draw resonance structures for allylic cations, radicals, or anions

This question set contains twelve practice questions with the answers provided.

This PDF downloadable worksheet accomplishes the following lecture objectives:

1. Recognize when conjugation applies, how it impacts chemical stability, and use it to predict and rank stabilities of various substances

2. Predict and rank how various reactions and their reaction rates are impacted by conjugation/resonance, whether in a reactant or an intermediate or a product, for example in SN1 reactions, radical reactions, or acid-base reactions

3. Predict the products of hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes.

4. Identify 1,2 vs 1,4 addition products in hydrogen halide additions to conjugated dienes

5. Identify thermodynamic versus kinetic products

6. Predict the products of allylic radical bromination reactions.

7. Draw mechanisms for addition reactions or SN1 reactions proceeding through allylic cations

8. Draw resonance structures for allylic cations, radicals, or anions

This question set contains twelve practice questions with the answers provided.

Ochem Worksheet 09 Alkenes
Aldehydes Ketones Grignards LiAlH4 Reactions and Nomenclature KEY
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